
You can reach my curricullum vitae from this webpage or you can just click to the pdf button.

Table of contents

General Information

Full Name Ahmet Akman
Date of Birth 27 October 2000
Languages Turkish, English


  • 2025*
    Master of Science
    Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France
    • Computational Neurociences and Neuroengineering Program
    • M2
  • 2024
    Bachelor of Science
    Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye
    • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department
    • Specialized on signal processing.
  • 2019
    High School
    Antalya Anatolian High School
    • Concentrated on mainly mathematics and physics.
    • {"Grade"=>"92.5/100"}


  • 2023
    Research Intern
    Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization , Göttingen, Germany
  • 2022-2024*
    Undergraduate Researcher
    METU Center for Image Analysis , Ankara, Türkiye
    • Have been working on event-based vision and neuromorphic algorithms under the supervision of Prof.Dr.Aydın Alatan
  • 2023-2024*
    Candidate Engineer
    Havelsan, Ankara, Türkiye
    • Have been working as a candidate engineer in the R&D department as a computer vision specialist.
  • 2022
    Summer Intern
    ESEN System Integration , Ankara, Türkiye
    • Utilized "Image Processing" and "Machine Learning" methods for multi-modal feature matching problem.
  • 2019
    Volunteer Summer Intern
    Dr.Sistem Virtual Health Consultancy , Antalya, Türkiye
    • Used computer vision and trained deep learning models to segmentate radiological data.
    • Trained a neural network to detect symptoms of parkinson on hand drawings of users.
    • Helped the development of the online virtual consultancy program.
  • 2017
    Volunteer Summer Intern
    Simple Robotics , Antalya, Türkiye
    • Developed various IOT applications using Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms.
    • Developed small competitive mini sumo-line follower robots.
    • Gained 3D printing , pcb design and prototyping experience.


  • 2020-2021
    METU Göksat Space Team
    • Leader of METU Göksat Space Team which attend national and international aerospace-based student competitions. Responsible for organization and running of the four different subteam which are electronics/software , organization/sponsorship , mechanical , aerospace and integration subteams.
    • Electronics/Software Subsystem Designer. Designed electrical subsystem of a mini UAV. Designed electronics and PCB's for avionics of three different model satellites. Developed embedded software for model satellites. Taken responsibility for the simulation of the swarm drones.
    • In 2021 the team has attended four competitions which are (Teknofest) Model Satellite competition organized by Turksat , (Teknofest) International UAV competition organized by Tubitak and Turkish Aerospace [got 5th place amongst 269 competitors] , (Teknofest) Swarm UAV competition organized by Havelsan and VTOL UAV competition organized by METU AEE Department in cooperation with Boeing
    • In 2020 the team attended (Teknofest) Model Satellite competition organized by Turksat and International CANSAT (Model/Can-Sized Satellite) competition organized by AAS supported by NASA.
  • 2016-2018
    Antalya Anatolian High School Physics Society
    • Was co-president of the Physics society for two years.
    • Organized various events such as sky observation nights, conferences, Pi days, science fair experiments.
    • Established society room and robotics division.

Honors and Awards

  • 2021
    • First Place , METU Aerospace Engineering Department-Boeing
    • As METU Göksat Space Team we have taken first place in the METU VTOL competition sponsored by Boeing. The objective was to design-build and fly a VTOL aircraft to accomplish various payload missions.
  • 2021
    • Second Place and Best Presentation | Havelsan-T3 Foundation
    • As METU GÖKSAT Space Team, we have taken the second place and the best presentation award amongst 112 teams in the Swarm UAV competition held by Havelsan in the scope of 2021 Teknofest technology competitions. Teams were expected to demonstrate developed swarm systems' robustness using multiple quadcopters (Crazyflies) indoor.
  • 2020
    • Third Place | Pixery Hackathon IEEE METU
    • Our team has taken the third place in 48 hours Pixery Hackathon IEEE METU. Our project aims to help visually impaired people for walking. We used computer vision , machine learning and android technologies to construct our prototype.
  • 2019
    • First Place | Akdeniz University
    • The research project about real-time artificial intelligence process on UAV. The project won the first place in the technology category in the Akdeniz University Prof.Dr.Fuat Sezgin 3rd Inter-High School Mathematics and Science Project Competition.
  • 2018
    • Second Place | TUBİTAK
    • The research project won the second place in the coding category in the TUBITAK Inter-High School Research Projects Competition. Project name was Developing Cube Satellites on Femto Class Intended Fundamental Space Research.
  • 2017
    • First Place | National Ministy of Education-TUBİTAK
    • 11. International MEB Robotics Competition in Design and Run (like Hackathon) Category


  • Turkish: Native
  • {"English: C1 (IELTS Academic"=>"7.5/9.0)"}
  • German: Beginner
  • French: Beginner


  • Hobbies: Turkish Classical Music (Former soloist at ODTÜ KTMT), Street Photography, Astronomy, Motorsports, Football .